
ANAI preprocessing pipeline


import anai
from anai.preprocessing import Preprocessor
df = anai.load("data/bodyPerformance.csv", df_kwargs={"header": None})
prep = Preprocessor(dataset=df, target="class", except_columns=['weight_kg'])

Data Loading

Load data from a file
df = anai.load("data/bodyPerformance.csv", df_kwargs={"header": None}, legacy=False)
Returns a pandas dataframe

Available Preprocessing Methods

Data Summary

Gives a summary of the data.

 summary = prep.summary()

 #Returns a DataFrame

Column Statistics

Gives a column wise statistics of the dataset.

column_stats = prep.column_summary()

Returns a DataFrame

Imputing Missing Values

Imputes the missing values using the statistical methods.

df1 = prep.impute()

Returns a imputed DataFrame

Encoding Categorical Variables

Encodes the categorical variables.

df = prep.encode(split = False)

Returns a encoded DataFrame if split is False else returns a tuple of encoded Features and encoded Labels

Scaling Variables

Scales the variables using StandardScaler.

df = prep.scale(columns = [<List of Columns>], method = 'standard')

Available methods are 'standardize' and 'normal'

Returns a scaled DataFrame

Skewness Correction

Normalizes the skewness of the data.

df = prep.skewcorrect()

Returns a BoxCox Normalised DataFrame.


Prepares the data for modelling.

X_train, X_val, y_train, y_val, scaler = prep.prepare(features, labels, test_size, random_state, smote, k_neighbors)

    - features: pd.DataFrame or np.array
        features to be used for training
    - labels:  pd.Series or np.array
        labels to be used for training
    - test_size: Size of the test set
    - random_state: Random state for splitting the data
    - smote: Boolean to use SMOTE or not
    - k_neighbors: Number of neighbors to use for SMOTE

    - X_train: Training Features
    - X_val: Validation Features
    - y_train: Training Labels
    - y_val: Validation Labels
    - sc:  Scaler Object

AutoML Pipeline


import anai
ai = anai.run(filepath="data/iris.csv", target="class", predictor="lr")


df : Pandas DataFrame
    DataFrame to be used for modelling.
filepath : str
    Filepath of the dataframe to be loaded.
df_kwargs : dict
    Keyword arguments for the dataframe loading function. Only used if filepath is not None.
target : str
    Target Column Name 
except_columns : list, optional
    List of Columns to be excluded from the dataset
predictor : list
            Predicting models to be used
params : dict
            dictionary containing parameters for model.
            Not available when using predictor = all or multiple predictors.
test_size: float or int, default=.2
            If float, should be between 0.0 and 1.0 and represent
            the proportion of the dataset to include in
            the test split.
            If int, represents the absolute number of test samples.
cv_folds : int
        No. of cross validation folds. Default = 10
pca : bool
    if True will apply PCA on Train and Validation set. Default = False
lda : str
    if True will apply LDA on Train and Validation set. Default = False
pca_kernel : str
        Kernel to be use in PCA. Default = 'linear'
n_components_lda : int
        No. of components for LDA. Default = 1
n_components_pca : int
        No. of components for PCA. Default = 2
smote : Bool,
    Whether to apply SMOTE. Default = True
k_neighbors : int
    No. of neighbors for SMOTE. Default = 1
verbose : boolean
    Verbosity of models. Default = False
exclude_models : list
    List of models to be excluded when using predictor = 'all' . Default = []
path : list
    List containing path to saved model and scaler. Default = None
    Example: [model.pkl, scaler.pkl]
random_state : int
    Random random_state for reproducibility. Default = 42
tune : boolean
        when True Applies Optuna to find best parameters for model
        Default is False
optuna_sampler : Function
    Sampler to be used in optuna. Default = TPESampler()
optuna_direction : str
    Direction of optimization. Default = 'maximize'
    Available Directions:
        maximize : Maximize
        minimize : Minimize
optuna_n_trials : int
    No. of trials for optuna. Default = 100
metric : str,
    metric to be used for model evaluation. Default = 'r2' for regressor and 'accuracy' for classifier
suppress_task_detection: Bool 
    Whether to suppress automatic task detection. Default = False
task : str
    Task to be used for model evaluation. Default = None
    Only applicable when suppress_task_detection = True
    Available Tasks:
        classification : Classification
        regression : Regression


ai : regression or classification object
    Returns a regression or classification object

Available Methods


Gives the result of the model.

result = ai.result()

Returns a dataframe of the summary


Predicts the target column for the given data.

pred = ai.predict(data)

returns the predictions

Save Model

Saves the model to the given path.

path_model, path_scaler = ai.save(path = [path_model.pkl, path_scaler.pkl])

Returns the path to the model and scaler


Explains the model predictions.

exp = ai.explain(method = 'shap')

Avaliable Methods:
    shap : SHAP
    perm : Permutation


Load Model

Loads the model from the given path.

ai = anai.run(path = [path_model.pkl, path_scaler.pkl])

Hyperparameter Tuning

Use Tune=True to apply Optuna to find best parameters for model.

ai = anai.run(filepath="data/iris.csv", target="class", predictor="lr", tune = True)

All Models

Use predictor = 'all' to use all the models.

ai = anai.run(filepath="data/iris.csv", target="class", predictor="all")

Multiple Models

Pass a list of models to use to predictor.

ai = anai.run(filepath="data/iris.csv", target="class", predictor=['lr', 'rf'])

Principal Component Analysis

Use pca = True to use PCA on Train and Validation set.

ai = anai.run(filepath="data/iris.csv", target="class", predictor="lr", pca = True)

Linear Discriminant Analysis

Use lda = True to use LDA on Train and Validation set.

ai = anai.run(filepath="data/iris.csv", target="class", predictor="lr", lda = True)

Explainable ANAI

ANAI model predictions can be explained using SHAP or Permutation.


import anai
ai = anai.run(filepath="data/iris.csv", target="class", predictor="lr")


1) Permutation:
   ai.explain(method = 'perm')

 2) SHAP:
    ai.explain(method = 'shap')

Surrogate Explainer

ANAI uses SHAP tree explainer to explain model predictions. So if the explainer fails to explain certain model it will switch to Surrogate Mode and use Decision Tree Surrogate Model to explain the original trained model. Surrogate mode is available for SHAP and Permutation exaplainers.

  ai = anai.run(filepath="data/iris.csv", target="class", predictor="knn")
  ai.explain(method = 'shap')

As you can see, SHAP explainer failed to explain the model. So it switched to Surrogate Mode and used Decision Tree Surrogate Model to explain the original trained model.

Available Algorithms


Available Models for Regression

- "lin": "Linear Regression"
- "sgd": "Stochastic Gradient Descent Regressor"
- "krr": "Kernel Ridge Regression"
- "elas": "Elastic Net Regression"
- "br": "Bayesian Ridge Regression"
- "svr": "Support Vector Regressor"
- "knn": "K-Nearest Neighbors"
- "dt": "Decision Trees Regressor"
- "rfr": "Random Forest Regressor"
- "gbr": "Gradient Boosted Regressor"
- "ada": "AdaBoostRegressor"
- "bag": "Bagging Regressor"
- "ext": "Extra Trees Regressor"
- "lgbm": "LightGBM Regressor"
- "xgb": "XGBoost Regressor"
- "cat": "Catboost Regressor"
- "ann": "Multi-Layer Perceptron Regressor"
- "poisson": "Poisson Regressor"
- "huber": "Huber Regressor"
- "gamma": "Gamma Regressor"
- "ridge": "Ridge CV Regressor"
- "encv": "ElasticNetCV Regressor"
- "lcv": "LassoCV Regressor"
- "llic": "LassoLarsIC Regressor"
- "llcv": "LassoLarsCV Regressor"
- "ransac": "RANSACRegressor",
- "ompcv": "OrthogonalMatchingPursuitCV",
- "gpr": "GaussianProcessRegressor",
- "omp": "OrthogonalMatchingPursuit",
- "llars": "LassoLars",
- "iso": "IsotonicRegression",
- "rnr": "Radius Neighbors Regressor Regressors",
- "qr": "Quantile Regression Regressors",
- "theil": "TheilSenRegressor Regressors",
- "all": "All Regressors"


Available Models for Classification

- "lr": "Logistic Regression"
- "sgd": "Stochastic Gradient Descent"
- "perc": "Perceptron"
- "pass": "Passive Aggressive Classifier"
- "ridg": "Ridge Classifier"
- "svm": "Support Vector Machine"
- "knn": "K-Nearest Neighbors"
- "dt": "Decision Trees"
- "nb": "Naive Bayes"
- "rfc": "Random Forest Classifier"
- "gbc": "Gradient Boosting Classifier"
- "ada": "AdaBoost Classifier"
- "bag": "Bagging Classifier"
- "ext": "Extra Trees Classifier"
- "lgbm": "LightGBM Classifier"
- "cat": "CatBoost Classifier"
- "xgb": "XGBoost Classifier"
- "ann": "Multi Layer Perceptron Classifier"
- "poisson": "Poisson Classifier"
- "huber": "Huber Classifiers"
- "ridge_cv": "RidgeCV Classifier"
- "encv": "ElasticNet CV Classifier"
- "lcv": "LassoCV Classifier"
- "llic": "LassoLarsIC Classifier"
- "llcv": "LassoLarsCV Classifier"
- "ransac": "RANSACClassifiers",
- "ompcv": "OrthogonalMatchingPursuitCV Classifier",
- "omp": "OrthogonalMatchingPursuit Classifier",
- "iso": "IsotonicRegression Classifier",
- "rad": "RadiusNeighbors Classifier",
- "quantile": "QuantileRegression Classifier",
- "theil": "TheilSenRegressor Classifier",
- "lars": "Lars Classifeir",
- "lcv": "LarsCV Classifier",
- "tweedie": "TweedieClassifiers",
- "all": "All Classifiers"

Model Explanation

 Available Explanation Methods

 - 'perm': Permutation Importance
 - 'shap': Shapley Importance

Anomaly Detection

ANAI uses PYOD for anomaly detection.

Available Models for Anomaly Detection

- "IForest": "Isolation Forest"
- "CBLOF": "Cluster-based Local Outlier Factor"

Missing Data handling

ANAI supports statistical imputing

Available Methods for Missing Data Handling
- "mean": "Mean Imputation"
- "median": "Median Imputation"
- "mode": "Mode Imputation"
- "drop": "Drop Missing Data"

Categorical Encoding

ANAI uses catboost encoder for categorical feature encoding and Label Encoding for categorical target


ANAI supports both standard and normalization scaling.

 Available Scaling Methods
- "standardize": "Standard Scaling"
- "normalize": "Normalization Scaling"

Anomaly Detection


import anai

from anai.unsupervised import anomaly_detector

df = anai.load(filepath='data/iris.csv')

anomaly_summary) = anomaly_detector(dataset = df, target = 'class', model = ['IForest', 'CBLOF'])


anomaly_combined : DataFrame
df modified with anomaly scores and anomaly
data_with_outliers : DataFrame
Only outliers
data_with_Inliers : DataFrame
Only Inliers
anomaly_summary : DataFrame
Summary of the anomaly detection

Ingesting data using the inbuilt connectors

Supported Sources

 1) MySQL
 2) S3
 3) BigQuery


Example Config File for MySQL

Example Config File for S3

Example Config File for BigQuery


ANAI will automatically detect the source of the data and run the appropriate connector using the config file. When Config = True. ANAI will automatically find the anai_config.yaml file in the current working directory.

import anai
ai = anai.run(config=True, predictor=['rfr'])